Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Dear Pilgrims:

The Ministry of Communication and Evangelism with the support of the Pilgrim Council has been working on revamping how we communicate to take better advantage of the tools we have through the Internet.

You will begin to get an eNewsletter each Thursday with information about what has been happening and what is about to happen at Pilgrim.  There will be links for more information as the email will be very short with just the basics presented.

Valerie will be publishing this using the information that we have given her and that she will already have posted on our web site.  She will be guided by Pastor Tom about priorities, but she can’t post what you haven’t written, so be sure to get information to her.  This is a way we can all communicate with all of us in a timely and detailed way.

You have already seen a sample of what we are working on as I accidentally broadcast it to everyone.  If you explored it, you know that not all the links work yet.

You may have ideas about what you would like to see in the weekly newsletter.  If so, please let Valerie know and we will look for a way to incorporate it.

Mark Lee Robinson

Saturday, January 15, 2011

ML King Sunday at Pilgrim

Tomorrow is a very big day a Pilgrim.  Be sure to be there.

Joint service with Westminster and Union Avenue with

  • great preaching from Leah Gunning Francis, Assistant Professor of Christian Education at Eden Theological Seminary
  • great music from the combined choirs and full band with both organ and piano on a splendid rendition of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,”
  • followed by a Soul Food Buffet luncheon.

There are some things we would like you to do as part of the event.

  • Be there early to put on your name tag and greet others as they arrive and be sure they can find their way and feel at home.
  • Help with the luncheon by gathering donations, helping people find their way, and be seated, and
  • by aiding in the cleanup washing dishes, putting away silverware, and packing up leftover food for Soup Kitchen.

Remember, this party is at our home.  We are the hosts.